Monday, November 7, 2011

Lindsey Lohan released from jail after only five hours!

So Lindsey Lohan was sentenced to another jail term for her continued transgressions and her continued attitude towards the law. This time she was given a 30 days sentence at the Los Angeles County jail for failure to take care of her community service requirements from a previous sentence.

Well Lindsey Lohan reported for jail last night and served a grand total of five hours. Yes that's right. Five hours. A few hours and she was released. So her fifth jail sentence lasted only a few hours. That is less than 1% of her sentence served.

So she is out. Lindsey is required to go to psychothereapy and perform all her old community service at the county morgue rather than the women's shelter as was previously assigned. She has to serve 423 hours at the morgue where she will mop floors, clean bathrooms and wash dirty sheets.

Bet she learned her lesson on this one. Until she gets some real jail time she will never adhere to the laws and sentences. She has already received five different jail terms. It's just a matter of time until we get the sixth.

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