Sunday, February 26, 2017

So called Environmental Protectors trash Dakota Pipeline area

So much for protecting the environment.  The so-called "Water Protectors" destroyed the place. Protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline left the land they lived on while they were protesting the construction of the pipeline destroyed and trashed.

The protesters had been given a deadline to leave by 2 pm on Wednesday. While most left, many decided to ignore the warning and stayed put. Protesters were offered a free hotel room and bus ticket to anywhere, even offered a “ceremonial arrest” for protesters to show off on their Facebook pages. However, none decided to take the state up on its offer.

Hours later, 18 National Guardsman and dozens of law enforcement officers swarmed the camp with military vehicles, and a helicopter. Officers went structure to structure, making over two dozen arrests within thirty minutes.

However, when the land was cleared out it was revealed that the protesters, who showed up to protect the land, had destroyed the land they lived on, leaving behind mountains of trash and human waste. Furthermore, it was reported that the protesters camp was situated on a “sensitive wildlife habitat.”

How badly did they trash the beautiful landscape? An estimated 500 dumpsters worth of trash will need to be trucked away from the site.  All that remains is a wet, muddy cesspool of human waste and hazardous fuels after protesters turned the native grassland into a dumping ground.

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